Creating brighter futures with industry-focused spill response and environmental safety training solutions
Hyde Park Environmental provides comprehensive spill response training courses to ensure employees are fully trained in using spill kits and equipment for effective incident response. Our on-site training includes practical demonstrations, teaching the correct spill response procedures. This training supports compliance with Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Environmental regulations, and fulfills your due diligence requirements for workplace safety.
Three-tier spill response training tailored to your specific requirements
Quick overview of absorbent types for correct spill response in the workplace.
Product discussion, spill scenario video and cautions, offering detailed and relatable training for staff.
Equipment training, video, certification, and a practical demo, tailored to their work environment.
Real spill scenario video*
Practical demonstration
Certificate of compliance
Spill kits and materials supplied
30 minutes
45 minutes
1-1½ hours
Spill kits and materials supplied
*Room with screen and connections required.
The Benefits of Spill Training
Compliance with current environmental legislation
Improved spill response time and reduced clean-up costs as staff will be educated and well informed of effective containment procedures
Reduce accidental spills on site as potential hazards can be predetermined and managed
Increased protection on site for both employees and the environment
Contact Details
If you have any queries please get in touch with our team today, we’re always here and happy to help.
A spill kit is a collection of tools and materials used to contain and clean up spills. The contents of a spill kit depend on the nature of the substance that is likely to be spilled. The spill kit may contain absorbents, gloves, goggles, disposal bags, and other items necessary for responding to a spill. A well-stocked spill kit is essential for minimizing the risk of injury or environmental damage in the event of a spill.
What is a Pollution Incident Response Plan?
A Pollution Incident Response Plan (PIRP) is a site-specific document that outlines the practices that should be implemented to reduce the likelihood of spillages occurring and if an accident does happen, how to effectively clean up the substance to ensure minimal damage.
Depending on the risk level of a spillage, it will influence the complexity and information required in your PIRP however, it MUST include:
Emergency contact details
Product inventory
Site layout plan
Drainage system plan
Emergency procedure
Incident report procedure
How do I respond to an emergency?
Every facility should have an effective spill response program to ensure no damage is caused to the environment. Stocking the appropriate spill response equipment and providing staff with comprehensive training ensures spill-readiness. Having the correct equipment, together with highly trained employees will result in total preparedness for a spill. View our Emergency Spill Response Procedure for first responders below:
What is spill kit training?
Spill kit training will depend on the size and scope of the operation and the potential danger of the hazardous substances on-site. It can be delivered at many different levels depending on the specific requirements of the business. At the most basic level, Spill Kit Training Courses are designed to ensure that an employee is trained to respond correctly to a spill incident using the appropriate equipment.
What is a compliance audit?
A spill kit is a collection of tools and materials used to contain and clean up spills. The contents of a spill kit depend on the nature of the substance that is likely to be spilled. The spill kit may contain absorbents, gloves, goggles, disposal bags, and other items necessary for responding to a spill. A well-stocked spill kit is essential for minimizing the risk of injury or environmental damage in the event of a spill.